Resource Library

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Basics of Best Case Webinar – Live

A Best Case expert walks you through the stages of a client file from start to finish.

Integrated Solutions and Services – Live

Enhance your workflow and save time by accessing integrated tools and services.

Chapter 13 Plan Tracker Webinar

Track Chapter 13 plan payments and identify at-risk cases.

Stretto Credit and Financial Reports

Eliminate hours of data entry by importing data directly into the Best Case client.

Integrated Solutions and Services Webinar

Enhance your workflow and save time by accessing integrated tools and services.


Basics of Best Case Webinar

Learn the fundamentals of Best Case from data-entry to electronic filing.

Prepare and Prosecute Student Loan Adversaries

Learn why leading firms are implementing student loan management service offerings.


Mortgage Modification as a Legal Service

Explore mortgage modification as a service offering and viable revenue opportunity.


Introduction to Firm Marketing

Learn how law firms can market their services and generate inquiries.


Strategic Planning for Bankruptcy Attorneys

Evaluate priorities, set actionable goals and create a plan for success in 2021.


Consumer Bankruptcy Reform Act Overview

Learn about the proposed shift to a uniform Ch10 to replace Ch7 & Ch13.


Beating the Collection Odds

Learn client consultation strategies to increase the likelihood of payment.