Resource Library

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Basics of Best Case Webinar – Live

A Best Case expert walks you through the stages of a client file from start to finish.

Integrated Solutions and Services – Live

Enhance your workflow and save time by accessing integrated tools and services.

Best Case Desktop Manual Update

Learn how to manually update Best Case desktop if issues arise.

Version 28 Overview

Version 28 provides tools to propel your practice, grow your firm and increase your bottom line.

Chapter 13 Plan Tracker

Prevent dismissed Ch. 13 cases, protect your firm's revenue, and streamline plan modifications.

Chapter 13 Plan Tracker Webinar

Track Chapter 13 plan payments and identify at-risk cases.


Legal Noticing

Access full-service legal noticing and document production capabilities.

Stretto Credit and Financial Reports

Eliminate hours of data entry by importing data directly into the Best Case client.

Demystifying Financial Reporting

Stretto facilitates due diligence requirements by providing comprehensive creditor and client data.


Electronic Filing Overview

See why OneTouch® is the quickest and simplest way to electronically file.


Best Case Features Overview

Take a video tour and learn about time-saving features in Best Case.

Integrated Solutions and Services Webinar

Enhance your workflow and save time by accessing integrated tools and services.